How Much Does a Lung Test Cost
Cost Of Lung Test
What are the Lung tests?
These are the type of tests which are performed to check the functionality of our Lungs. As our lungs works magically every micro second, it should be cared intensively. Lung tests include PFTs and other important tests.
What does Lung test determine?
- Working of your lungs
- How much of air lungs can hold inside and capacity of lungs.
- Relationship between blood cells and oxygen
- To diagnose chronic lung diseases, COPD, Emphysema etc.
Different types of Lung Tests are mentioned below with its cost.
Tests covered in PFT(Pulmonary Function Tests) with its price.
Physicians recommend these tests because they are simple and non-invasive. The group of tests can reveal mostly every problem concerned with lungs and its functionality.Average cost for total PFT: $350-$2500
1) Spirometry test cost $90-$230
The most common lung functioning test, which determines how much amount and how quickly your lungs move air. Spirometer is used to perform the test.
2) Lung volume test cost $80-$300
It is called, “Plethysmography” in medical term. This test will tell you that how much air your lungs can hold. It also tells about the amount of air that remain in your lungs, when your breath-out.
3) Gas diffusion test/ Lung diffusion test cost $90-$250
It also includes DLCO test and ABGs test. These tests are used to check the connection and functionality between your bloodstream and Oxygen/other gases.
4) Exercise test cost $100-$225
This test looks body functioning when your body is exercising generally using Electrocardiogram.
Some Other Lung Tests
Here are some tests which are often used to catch the root of your illness if not caught by PFT.
1) Bronchoscopy cost $1200-$3200
An instrument- Bronchoscope will be inserted into your lungs through nose or mouth. It shows all the structures of respiratory system and airways of lungs.
2) Chest tube thoracotomy cost $1500-$2700
A hollow tube made of fine plastic is inserted between ribs. It is also called, Chest tube insertion. It is mostly performed after a surgery or in emergency.
3) Chest CT scan cost $300-$800
It is also referred as Chest CAT scan. It shows multiple images of inside of your chest. It is used for curing disease of chest like Cough, chest pain, breath shortness, responds of tumors etc. Special chest X-Rays are used as Lung Cancer test.
4) CT scan guided Biopsy cost $200-$1500
Here, CT scan is used to guide the needle. It’s used to know more about mass or a lesion.
5) Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) test cost $400-$1200
It’s a bronchoscopy procedure which is effective for diagnosing Lung Cancer, enlarged lymph or infections. It is categorized as minimally invasive.
6) Exhaled Nitric Oxide test cost $30-$140
It measures the amount of Nitric Oxide exhaled from your breath. It is majorly used to diagnosis of Asthma.
7) Thoracotomy cost $12000-$25000
This test is only performed by surgeons to access the Thoracic Organs, generally the lungs, the heart, anterior spine etc.
8) Pulse oximetry cost $20-$100
It is a painless and easy test used to measure the Oxygen Saturation (Oxygen Level) of blood. This test can closely determine how your heart sends oxygen to other organs of the body.
9) Methacholine challenge test cost $400-$900
It is a type of Bronchoprovocation test used for patients of Asthma. Methacholine is a drug used for narrowing the airways.
(Prices vary as per location of lab, result time and your insurance type.)
How to get prepared for the tests?
- Don’t take heavy meals.
- Don’t smoke or drink and avoid consumption of caffeine.
- Ask your physician about other precautions.
Tips for saving health and money
- Talk to your physician and your insurance company.
- Find a budget matching lab.
- Location of the lab affects the prices.
- Quit smoking and save yourself from pollution.